Military Transformers & Inductors

Military transformer, 3-phase, 55 kva featured
  • Military Transformers & Inductors

    NWL has over 30 years of experience in the design and manufacture of Mil-Spec transformers and inductors. Power capabilities range from watts to megawatts for airborne and shipboard applications. Transformers and inductors from NWL can meet ITARs and DFARs requirements.

    For high power inductors, NWL’s unique air gap construction techniques result in less audible noise and lower losses. Designs for Common Mode Inductors use nanocrystalline cores to provide state of the art low loss performance.


  • NWL has supplied transformers and inductors to the following military programs:

    Program Application
    AESA Radar Systems
    AEGIS Radar Power Supply
    AMDR Air Missile Defense Radar
    Cobra Judy 2.8 MVA Radar Power Supply
    DDG 1000 MK110 Gun Loader
    EMALS Electrco-Magnetic Launch
    ERDPS Power Supply
    ESM Energy Storage Modules (DDG-51)
    F16 Sabre Radar Power Supply
    FFX Hybrid Electric Drive
    IFTP Shipboard Power System
    Magnetic Bearing For Propeller Shafts
    PCM 1-4 Power Control
    Rail Gun Pulsed Power
    RDPS Power Supply
    Sea Wolf DC Power Supply
    Wedgetail Radar Power Supply